The Kick-off meeting is held at Piraeus University in Greece within the framework of the LAIA project

The Kick-off meeting is held at Piraeus University in Greece within the framework of the LAIA project

On and , the first meeting between the partners of the LAIA project (Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence in Albania and Kosovo) took place at the University of Piraeus in Greece. In this meeting, all phases of work within the project were discussed and the marketing strategy for this project was approved. Participating in this meeting were the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Zirije Hasani, at the same time coordinator of the LAIA project, and Prof. Assoc. Dr. Samedin Krrabaj. The main goal of this project is the design of the study program at the master’s level in the field of Artificial Intelligence and the accreditation and registration of students in this study program. The LAIA project is coordinated by Piraeus University in Greece and the partners are “Ukshin Hoti” University Prizren, University of Agriculture in Tirana, Southern Denmark University, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Mediterranean University of Tirana and Universum College.