Industrial Advisory Board of Faculty of Computer Science held the regular meeting where it was discussed content topics

Industrial Advisory Board  of  Faculty of Computer Science held the regular meeting where it was discussed content topics

On , the meeting of the Industrial Advisory Board of the Faculty of Computer Science was held.

  The meeting, which was held online, was attended by: Diogjen Elshani – Gjirafa Company – Chairman of BKI, Majlinda Bahtijari – Municipality of Prizren – Deputy Chairman, Drilon Kastrati – Gjirafa Company, Alper Yildirim – Telcomm Company, Lamir Shkurti – Telcomm Company , Jeta Qollpani – jCoders RKS; Acting Dean Prof. Ass. Dr. Zirije Hasani, Chief for Teaching – . Arbër Beshiri, Cheif for Teaching – . Arta Misini and CS Secretary – . Arbnore Shehu.

  Also present at the meeting was Marigona Sylaj – jCoders RKS. The meeting was opened by the President of BKI – Diogjen Elshani who started with the following items on the agenda: Joint cooperation initiatives workshop – University Meets Industry; Identification of current topics and challenges in the field of IT for which speeches can be organized during the workshop (eg cyber security, 3D modeling, web applications for the development of traditional businesses, etc.); Business guests to talk about a particular topic; holding lectures with guests from IAB; Identification of research topics by professors and students; Proposing new courses / programs in the ALF to respond to market needs; Organizing a Career Fair for professional internship of students.

During the discussion, for Joint Collaboration Initiatives workshop – University Meets Industry, it was discussed to identify current topics and challenges in the field of IT for which speeches can be organized during the workshop (like. Cyber ​​Security, 3D modeling, web applications for the development of traditional businesses, etc.). Regarding this acting point Dean Prof. Ass. Dr. Zirije Hasani, proposes that the workshop be one day – half of the day to be at the University of Prizren and the other half to be held at the Innovation and Training Park – Prizren, while in terms of identifying topics by participants were proposed the following topics : Game Development – an initiative which is very demanding and interesting; Artificial Intelligence – an initiative which is very demanding and interesting; Digitalization of business processes to increase sales through web applications.

Also Acting Dean informs the participants that the purpose of the workshop is not only to provide knowledge to students but the main target is business means what the University and industry can offer to facilitate the work of the business. The workshop is planned to be held until the end of 2021 and for this it should be determined what it will be held in order to set the agenda. Regarding the profit point from the business to talk about a certain topic, acting Dean proposes that the members of IAB, are welcome to offer ideas, presentations during January and February 2022. Also the regular assistant – head of teaching at the CSF Arbër Beshiri informs the participants that in the future the teaching will be practiced clinical in virtually every subject with the participation of companies, different businesses to elaborate a certain topic. Regarding this deputy. The Dean emphasizes that all this is required by the Accreditation Agency and this issue should be practiced in this regard as soon as possible. Also Dean emphasizes that in the next meeting of the CSF Council, there will be the addition of other members of the BKI with which we have companies that offer scholarships and internships for CSF students.

Second point – In each subject in this semester to give at least one lecture with guests from IAB;

Marigona Sylaj – jCoders RKS says that based on her experience, in terms of industry lecturers are interested and have a lot of will to help the University and students to find themselves in any field that suits them, for this we need do some research to identify a list of industry people who run companies or are themselves developers or designers or what may be part of the courses in order to be invited. Also the Dean Mrs. Hasani proposes that the Faculty of Computer Science in Prizren will work on providing a list of topics that we want to be discussed by businesses, we propose to you and you come up with concrete names and agendas so that they find time to come and give lectures with a certain theme.

Pika e tretë – Identifikimi i temave për hulumtim nga profesorët dhe studentët;

Chief  of teaching at CSF Arbër Beshiri – we in our faculty have some areas specified mainly in the long-term development plan of directions in both BACHELOR and MASTER level studies and in this regard it is important that we have included some topics in the creation of curricula different and there is a strategic plan of the ALF where the respective names are mentioned.

Dean Mrs. Hasani – mainly research in the field of data science – for Artificial Intelligence, Big Date, Cloud, etc., and the idea of ​​the third item on the agenda is to identify whether the labor market needs to conduct research. that problem they may have. Usually in industry problems arise that the academy now solves and if there is such a thing to be discussed, researched together with businesses or students are involved in those researches, such as. Professor Ercan Canhasi is part of the company, industry and university and who conducts research that comes out of the company and relates it to the academic part that works well including students. The Dean also emphasizes that we as a faculty want other businesses to have such a connection.

Jeta Qollpani – jCoders RKS – as a former BACHELOR student of CSF and as part of jCoders, proposes that students have more space for the practical side.

Marigona Sylaj – jCoders RKS – the research topic is very valuable really as a project and it is very accurate to achieve what the industry which creates problems with the University solves as e.g. among countries like Germany – in which people receive doctoral theses to solve a problem that has appeared to them in business and if we ever get to that point we as a country will have no problems in this regard.

Dean Mrs. Hasani – such an initiative has the Innovative Business Center which aims at the connection between business and the University, i.e. the problems that arise for businesses to solve the University.

Fourth point – Proposal of new courses / program in the ALF to respond to market needs

Dean Mrs. Hasani – here it is required that in the current curricula we should always get ideas that in any subject that is not included in the curriculum or should be added any subject or module that best suits the labor market.

Marigona Sylaj – jCoders RKS – which deals with the recruitment of employees and who are usually students of the Faculty of Computer Science of Public Universities, who are technically skilled but are much more attractive and have less practical aspect, also lack of the aspect of cooperation with others and in this regard there should have been more subjects which encourage and push students for a more appropriate interaction for a job. Dean Mrs. Hasani – I usually tell students to work on the project in groups but most of them are reluctant and want to work individually and this to me is a shortcoming of all programmers. The idea for this agenda item is to have more communication items.

Fifth point – Career Fair for student professional practice

Dean Mrs. Hasani – The University organizes a virtual job fair and the next step is to create a career fair for professional internships that will invite businesses that will provide professional internships for University students whether paid or unpaid and that depends on politics of businesses. We are interested in the part of the Faculty of Computer Science that will provide internships for students, the idea is to provide internships for students and for the topics we have discussed so far with internships with 3 (three) or 6 (six) months with it which student manages to acclimatize and the knowledge he possesses to put into practice and gain that idea of ​​what is happening when he enters the labor market and all this is what our students lack in the future the subject of Internship Professional will be as a compulsory subject. The beginning or the start will be from the career fair – companies that offer professional internships to participate and I believe from the beginning of next year will be organized and we expect from you companies what you can offer us for the students of our faculty and be part of this fair.

Lamir Shkurti – Telcomm Company – expresses interest in joining the career fair. It goes on to show how companies have had interns respectively students from Turkey in the Programming Department and in the future hopes that there will be students from the ALF. He also emphasizes that in the high school of the Gymnasium there is a career club with which sessions are held every week with different guests, different activities are organized and the purpose of this club is to activate students, do internships and cooperate with different companies.

Dean Mrs. Hasani takes the floor by emphasizing that the Career and Alumni Center has been activated in the University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”, the topics we have discussed in this meeting will be discussed in this Center and the organization of fairs is processed through the Career Center and Alumni in collaboration with the University Faculties. He further emphasizes that with the New Management of the University we are trying to activate all the points in order for the operation to be successful and the desire is to become something favorable with a common interest with the cooperation of all together for the good of students.

Finally, the President of IAB Diogjen Elshani and the Deputy Dean of the ALF Prof. Ass. Dr. Zirije Hasani greeted and thanked the participants for their contribution and participation in this meeting.